Wednesday, April 16, 2008


I have been trying to put together a family tree for my husband for his birthday.I know it only about 8 months away,but I knew this would be a huge undertaking.So I started this whole thing about a week ago.You see,his father was an orphan and he is dead.So is my mother in law.So my hubby only has 1 uncle and his wife,1 brother(that is a story in itself),and the kids and me.I really want to be able to do something for him that he would appreciate.He loves history of any kind,so this will be something that he will absolutely love.
I am driving myself insane,though.I had no idea that it was going to be so time consuming getting names and dates for everyone.I have done my side of the family more or less,from memory.His side is kinda difficult though.Hubby's father did not ever want to talk about his parents,of course.It was painful.His mother dropped him off at the tender age of 12 at an orphange.His father was never around.I did get him to tell me once what their names are,which I did not know would hurt 1 so much.I thought I was doing a good thing.Little did I know that he had asked his father that very same thing several times in the past.only to be rebuffed.
Well,I am going back on the trail of mysterious names and dates,lol.

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