Friday, April 25, 2008


My husband works for our landlord as a maintenance man.That is not the frustrating part,lol.He never puts our house on his "list" of things that need to get done,the landlord or my husband.They both act like this house does not belong to E(the landlord),except when it is time to pay the rent of course.It is not like we get a discount on rent or like he gets paid some decent salary.Neither is true.
We need screens in this house like from day one(in July of last year) and never in all the months we have lived here,has even 1 screen been thought of.For the outrageous rent I am paying,I should be getting gold faucets,not treated like a 3rd class citizen.Hubby seems to think that he is supposed to tell E what materials he needs,and hubby does the work on the weekends.Never mind that we don't get any time together,family or otherwise,all week.On top of that,he is supposed to "work" on the weekends too?Technically,this is one of his properties,and no we did not agree to this when we moved in here.
We originally lived in another property of his,smaller and less rent of course,and never got this type of treatment.Our lawn care was even taken care of there.Here we cut our own grass,not a big deal.But there are problems with this place that have been this way since we moved in and I see no end in sight.I have brought up once buying this place from him,for a number of reasons that would be the best solution.He said not to count that out,but that was a couple of months ago.I would not mind doing these things on the weekends if it belonged to us,ya know.But if I am paying rent,shouldn't my landlord be responsible for the maintenace?
Sorry for the rant,just had to get that off my chest.Maybe now hubby and I will quit arguing about this all the time.(Yeah right)

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