Monday, March 16, 2009


I had no idea that it had been THAT long since I snuck in here,lol:)I have been doing the homeschool thing(loving it)and the kids are still doing good.I think we are going to stick with it throughout the rest of our schooling(provided it does not become illegal).I am so upset about that poor woman who is being forced to send her kids back to school:(I have discussed this at length with my loving hubby,and we have agreed(again)that this is what is best for our children.I just wanted to give him the options again.I know I would keep going full steam ahead and never look back.But he was hesitant in the beginning.Thank God he has seen the improvements in our kids,not just grades(although that has come been great),but their attitudes have improved tremendously!They are still no angels,ahem,but they have so much better attitudes towards each other and my husband and myself.T goes looking for things he can do around the house to make my life easier.A knows she has to do what she is told before she gets what she wants(trust me this was a huge issue for us while she was in school and around all the "other" kids).H is still our angel,but she is starting to come out of her shell.She has always been shy,and that is not as bad as it was before.W is still trying to be "the baby"but is starting to understand too that if you want x,you have to do y.I am loving having them home.
A is getting serious about her boyfriend.Scary territory for me and her father.But we are hopeful that they think before they act and we "talk to death" the whole purity until marriage,as she puts it.C(as he will be known here)is a good kid.We respect his family.He is going to be an adult in a few months though.And that worries us,A is only/already 16.I have just come to understand some of the things I am trying to teach her in the last few years.How can I get her to understand what it took me so long to learn?All I can do is trust in God that he will open her ears and her heart to hear the words I am saying.She is very smart and loves her family,but is so impatient.
I am so happy they are all here at home,where we can deal with the issues they each have(if you ask me,some of these things started BECAUSE of the schools)and show them the way.I hated when they were at school and am so happy to be able to teach them what I know to be right.I thank God for the priveledge every day.