Thursday, May 22, 2008

I Keep Forgetting I Have A Blog

ROFL Seriously I just read others and go about my life.I keep forgetting to post.Oh,well.It is for me anyway,so what does it matter?Well,I do want to be able to look back and tell what was going on at this point in my life.That is why I started writing.
Anyway,I am going on a vacation!I am going to spend some girl time with my mom and the youngest sister,Nat.i need to get away from everything soon,or I will run away forever.That is of course an exaggeration.But I am completely burned out.Nobody does anything around here except me.And then I get told that NOTHING around here gets done.Well,we will see how much I really do when they are the ones who have to do it.I am tired,down to my bones.I hope this time away will make them appreciate me more,but that is not the only reason I am going by any stretch of the imagination.I need to be Tonya,if I can remember who she is.I want to appreciate my family more too.Being away from them,missing them,hopefully will get my mind right again.
I used to love my "job".But now I don't even want to get up in the morning.It is not all them,or all me.It is a combination of things.ALOT of it is this place.I have never been as happy as I was in Ohio.I absolutely do not want to move back,but I need to remember what I loved about it so much that I can somehow bring into this house and this place.I do not know how or even if it is possible.But I can not think of anything about where I live,other than the home itself,that I can stand,much less like.I know I have found fault with everywhere but Columbus.I did not like Georgia,or Bluffton,and I don't like it here.This time away is going to be asoul searching time.
Of course,W does not want me to go.He keeps trying to lay a guilt trip about going anywhere "right ow",of course anytime I go will be a "right now" kind of time.He says he is having trouble with the truck(what could I do about that) and the kids will be out for summer most of the time I am gone(they get out of school 2 days after I leave)and how is he supposed to watch them,um tell your 15 year old daughter to act like she has some sense.The kids CAN be left alone,we just have to lock down all snacks in our room.But she does know how to babysit.
I know he is not comfortable leaving them alone all day.I think this is part of what I am trying to make them understand.I am a person,not the robotic babysitter,housecleaner,meal cooker,etc,etc, etc.I have feelings like all of them do.I am not asking for grand gestures or anything,just some respect.To not be yelled back at,to do as I ask the third time I ask(at least),to love me.

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